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The psychologist Robert M. Gagne has done the research into the phases of learning sequence and the types of learning. His research is particularly relevant for teaching mathematics. Professor Gagne has used mathematics as a medium for testing and applying his theories about learning and has collaborated with the University of Maryland Mathematics Project in studies of mathematics learning and curriculum development.
A.    The Objects of Mathematics Learning
There are two objects of mathematics learning. They are direct and indirect things which we want students to learn in mathematics. The direct objects of mathematics learning are facts, skills, concepts, and principles. Some of the many indirect objects are transfer of learning, inquiry ability, problem-solving ability, self-discipline, and appreciation for the structure of mathematics. The direct objects of mathematics learning - facts, skills, concepts, and principles - are the four categories which mathematical content can be separated.
Below are the descriptions of each direct object of mathematics learning.
1.      Mathematical Facts
Mathematical facts are those arbitrary conventions in mathematics such as the symbols of mathematics. It is a fact that 2 is the symbol for the word two, that + is the symbol for the operation of addition, and that sine is the name given to a special function in trigonometry. Facts are learned through various techniques of rote learning such as memorization, drill, practice, timed tests, games, and contests. People are considered to have learned a fact when they can state the fact and make appropriate use of it in a number of different situations.
2.      Mathematical Skills
Mathematical skills are those operations and procedures which students and mathematicians are expected to carry out with speed and accuracy. Many skills can be specified by sets of rules and instructions or by ordered sequences of specific procedures called algorithms. Among the mathematical skills which most people are expected to master in school are long division, addition of fractions and multiplication of decimal fractions. Constructing right angles, bisecting angles, and finding unions or intersections of sets of objects and events are examples of other useful mathematical skills. Skills are learned through demonstrations and various types of drill and practice such as worksheets, work at the chalkboard, group activities and games. Students have mastered a skill when they can correctly demonstrate the skill by solving different types of problems requiring the skill or by applying the skill in various situations.
3.      Mathematical Concepts
A concept in mathematics is an abstract idea which enables people to classify objects or events and to specify whether the objects and events are examples or non-examples of the abstract idea. In this, the examples of concepts are sets, subsets, equality, inequality, triangle, cube, radius, and exponent. A person who has learned the concept of triangle is able to classify sets of figures into subsets of triangles and non-triangles. Concepts can be learned either through definitions or by direct observation.
4.      Mathematical Principles
The most complex of the mathematical objects are principles. Principles are sequences of concepts together with relationships among these concepts.
The following statements are the examples of principles.
Ø  The square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.
Ø  Two triangles are congruent if two sides and the included angle of one triangle are equal to two sides and the included angle of the other.
Principles can be learned through processes of scientific inquiry, guided discovery lessons, group discussions, the use of problem solving strategies, and demonstrations. A student has learned principles when he or she can identify the concepts included in the principle, put the concepts in their correct relation to one another, and apply the principle to a particular situation.
As a mathematics teacher, we should develop testing and observation techniques to assist us in recognizing students’ viewpoints of the concepts and principles which we are teaching. All of us have at times memorized the proofs of theorems, with no understanding of the concepts and principles involved in the proof, in order to pass tests. While this subterfuge is a form of learning, it is not what teacher hope to have students learning by proving theorems.

B.     The Phases of A Learning Sequence
There are four phases of a learning sequence. They are the apprehending phase, the acquisition phase, the storage phase, and the retrieval phase.
Below are the descriptions of each phase of a learning sequence.
1.      The Apprehending Phase
The first phase of learning is the apprehending phase. It is the learner’s awareness of a stimulus or a set of stimuli which are present in the learning situation. Awareness, or attending, will lead the learner to perceive characteristics of the set of stimuli. What the learner perceives will be uniquely coded by each individual and will be registered in his or her mind. This idiosyncratic way in which each learner apprehends a given stimulus results in a common problem in teaching and learning.
2.      The Acquisition Phase
The next phase in learning is the acquisition phase. It is attaining or possessing the fact, skill, concept, or principle which is to be learned. Acquisition of mathematical knowledge can be determined by observing or measuring the fact that a person does not possess the required knowledge or behavior before an appropriate stimulus is presented, and that he or she has attained the required knowledge or behavior immediately after presentation of the stimulus.
3.      The Storage Phase
After a person has acquired a new capability, it must be retained or remembered. This is the storage phase of learning. The human storage facility is the memory, and research indicates that there are two types of memory. They are short-term memory and long-term memory.
4.      The Retrieval Phase
The fourth phase of learning is the retrieval phase. It is the ability to call out the information that has been acquired and stored in memory. The process of information retrieval is very imprecise, disorganized, and even mystical.

C.    Types of Learning
There are eight types of learning. They are signal learning, stimulus-response learning, chaining, verbal association, discrimination learning, concept learning, rule learning, and problem solving.
Below are the descriptions of each type of learning.
1.      Signal Learning
Signal learning is involuntary learning resulting from either a single instance or a number of repetitions of a stimulus which will evoke an emotional response in an individual.
In order for signal learning to occur, there must be a neutral signal stimulus and a second, unexpected stimulus that will evoke an emotional response in the learner which he or she will associate with the neutral stimulus. In the example of the person who learned to fear group signing in a first grade music class, the neutral signal stimulus was singing in a group and the unexpected stimuli were a shout and a slap.
As a mathematics teacher, we should attempt to generate unconditioned stimuli which will evoke pleasant emotions in our students and hope that they will associate some of these pleasant sensations with the natural signal which is our mathematics classroom.
2.      Stimulus-Response Learning
Stimulus-response learning is also learning to respond to a signal. It is voluntary and physical. Stimulus-response learning involves voluntary movements of the learner’s skeletal muscles in response to stimuli so that the learner can carry out an action when he or she wants to do.
Most examples of pure stimulus-response learning in people are found in young children. They are learning to say words, carry out various life-supporting functions, use simple tools, and display socially acceptable behaviors.
3.      Chaining
Chaining is the sequential connection of two or more previously learned non-verbal stimulus-response actions. The examples of chaining are tying a shoe, opening a door, starting an automobile, throwing a ball, sharpening a pencil, and painting a ceiling.
In order for chaining to occur, the learner must have previously learned each stimulus-response link required in the chain. If each link has been learned, chaining can be facilitated by helping the learner establish the correct sequence of stimulus-response acts for the chain.
Most activities in mathematics which entail manipulation of physical devices such as rulers, compasses, and geometric models require chaining. Learning to bisect an angle with a straightedge and a compass requires proper sequencing and implementing of a set of previously learned stimulus-response type skills. Among these skills are the ability to use a compass to strike an arc and the ability to construct a straight line between two points.
4.      Verbal Association
Verbal association is chaining of verbal stimuli; that is, the sequential connection of two or more previously learned verbal stimulus-response actions.
The mental processes involved in verbal association are very complex and not completely understood at present. Most researchers do agree that efficient verbal association requires the use of intervening mental links which act as codes and which can be either verbal, auditory, or visual images. These codes usually occur in the learner’s mind and will vary from learner to learner according to each person’s unique mental storehouse of codes. For example, one person may use the verbal mental code “y is determined by x” as a cue for the word function, another person may code function symbolically as “y = f(x)”, and someone else may visualize two sets of elements enclosed in circles with arrows extending from the elements of one set to the elements of the other set.
The most important use of the verbal association type of learning is in verbal dialogue. Good oratory and writing depend upon a vast store of memorized verbal associations in the mind of the orator or writer. To express ideas and rational arguments in mathematics it is necessary to have a large store of verbal association about mathematics.
5.      Discrimination Learning
Discrimination learning is learning to differentiate among chains; that is, to recognize various physical and conceptual objects. There are two kinds of discrimination. They are single discrimination and multiple-discrimination.
As students are learning various discriminations among chains, they may also be forming these stimulus-response chains at the same time. This somewhat disorganized learning situation can, and usually does, result in several phenomena of multiple discrimination learning (generalization, extinction, and interference).
Ø  Generalization is the tendency for the learner to classify a set of similar but distinct chains into a single category and fail to discriminate or differentiate among the chains.
Ø  If appropriate reinforcement is absent from the learning of a chain of stimuli and responses, extinction or elimination of that chain occurs.
Ø  Interference can be a problem in learning a foreign language such as French, which has many words similar in meaning and spelling to English words.
6.      Concept Learning
Concept learning is learning to recognize common properties of concrete objects or events and responding to these objects or events as a class.
In order for students to learn a concept, simpler types of prerequisite learning must have occurred. Acquisition of any specific concept must be accompanied by prerequisite stimulus-response chains, appropriate verbal associations, and multiple-discrimination of distinguishing characteristics. For example, the first step in acquiring the concept of circle might be learning to say the word circle as a self-generated stimulus-response connection, so that students can repeat the word. Then students may learn to identify several different objects as circles by acquiring individual verbal association. Next, students may learn to discriminate between circles and other objects such as triangles and squares. It is also important for students to be exposed to circles in a wide variety of representative situations so that they learn to recognize circles which are imbedded in more complex objects. When the students are able to spontaneously identify circles in unfamiliar contexts, they have acquired the concept of circle.
7.      Rule Learning
Rule learning is the ability to respond to an entire set of situations (stimuli) with a whole set of actions (responses). Rule learning appears to be the predominant type of learning to facilitate efficient and coherent human functioning. Our speech, writing, routine daily activities, and many of our behaviors are governed by rules which we have learned.
In order for people to communicate and interact, and for society to function in any form except anarchy, a huge and complex set of rules must be learned and observed by a large majority of people. Much of mathematics learning is rule learning. For example, we know that  and that ; however without knowing the rule that can be represented by , we would not be able to generalize beyond those few specific multiplication problem which we have already attempted. In first, most people learn and use the rule that multiplication is commutative without being able to state it. In order to discuss this rule, it must be given either a verbal or a symbolic formulation such as “the order in which multiplication is done doesn’t make any difference in the answer” or “for all numbers a and b, ”; This particular rule and rules in general, can be thought of as sets of relations among sets of concepts.
Mathematics teachers need to be aware that being able to state a definition or write a rule on a sheet of paper is little indication of whether a student has learned the rule. If students are to learn a rule they must have previously learned the chains of concepts that constitute the rule. The conditions of rule learning begin by specifying the behavior expected of the learner in order to verify that the rule has been learned. A rule has been learned when the learner can appropriately and correctly apply the rule in a number of different situations. In his book The Conditions of Learning, Robert Gagne (1970) gives a five step instructional sequence for teaching rules:
Ø  Step 1: Inform the learner about the form of the performance to be expected when learning is completed.
Ø  Step 2: Question the learner in a way that requires the reinstatement (recall) of the previously learned concepts that make up the rule.
Ø  Step 3: Use verbal statements (cues) that will lead the learner to put the rule together, as a chain of concepts, in the proper order.
Ø  Step 4: By means of a question, ask the learner to “demonstrate” one of (sic) more concrete instances of the rule.
Ø  Step 5: (Optional, but useful for later instruction): By a suitable question, require the learner to make a verbal statement of the rule.
8.      Problem-Solving
As one might expect, problem-solving is a higher order and more complex type learning than rule-learning, and rule acquisition is prerequisite to problem-solving. Problem solving involves selecting and chaining sets of rules in a manner unique to the learner which results in the establishment of a higher order set of rules which was previously unknown to the learner.
Real-word problem solving usually involves five steps, they are:
Ø  Presentation of the problem in a general form
Ø  Restatement of the problem into an operational definition
Ø  Formulation of alternative hypothesis and procedures which may be appropriate means of attacking the problem
Ø  Testing hypothesis and carrying out procedures to obtain a solution or a set of alternative solutions
Ø  Deciding which possible solution is most appropriate or verifying that a single solution is correct.

D.    Learning Hierarchies
A learning hierarchy for problem-solving or rule-learning is a structure containing a sequence of subordinate and prerequisite abilities which a student must master before he or she can learn the higher order task. Gagne describes learning as observable changes in people’s behavior, and his learning hierarchies are composed of abilities which can be observed or measured.
According to Gagne, if a person has learned, then that person can carry out some activity that he or she could not do previously. Since most activities in mathematics require definable and observable prerequisite learning, mathematics topics lend themselves to hierarchical analyses. When specifying a learning hierarchy for a mathematical skill, it is usually not necessary to consider all of subordinate skills.
Constructing a learning hierarchy for a mathematical topic is more than merely listing the steps in learning the rule or solving the problem. Preparing a list of steps is a good starting point; however the distinguishing characteristic of a learning hierarchy is an up-side-down tree diagram of subordinate and super-ordinate abilities which can be demonstrated by students or measured by teachers.
Below is the list of steps used to derive the quadratic formula.
And then, the following figure is a first approximation to a learning hierarchy for deriving the quadratic formula.
The figure above is a learning hierarchy, because both super-ordinate and subordinate abilities are specified in their appropriate relationship to each other. That figure can be thought of as first approximation to the learning hierarchy for solving a quadratic equation. A more careful consideration of prerequisite abilities and research with students might result in a more precise hierarchy for this problem-solving ability.

A.    Condition of Learning
In order for learning to take place certain conditions must be present. In 1965, Robert Gagne published his book entitled The Conditions of Learning. In this book, Gagne described the analysis of learning objectives, and how they relate to the appropriate instructional designs (Lawson, 1974). Gagne is considered to be the primary researcher and contributor for the orderly approach to instructional design and training. He is known as a behaviorist and focused on the outcomes or behaviors that result from instruction. The Conditions of Learning theory stipulates several different types or levels of learning. These classifications of learning are significant because each type requires a different kind of instruction.
Gagne distinguishes between two types of conditions, internal and external. The internal conditions are thought of as “states” and include attention, motivation, and recall (Wilson, 1978). The external conditions are thought of as factors that surround one’s behavior, and include the arrangement and timing of stimulus events (Wilson, 1978). By taking these conditions into consideration, Gagne developed four phases for learning. These include receiving the stimulus situation, stage of acquisition, storage, and retrieval. This is the process that must occur for learning to take place.
The Conditions of Learning theory identifies five categories of learning. Each is a type of learning that can occur. They are verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies, motor skills, and attitudes. Gagne suggests that learning tasks for intellectual skills can be organized  based on their complexity. According to his model, the abilities established by
learning are arranged in a hierarchical fashion where one task is dependent upon the learning of a more simplistic one (Lawson, 1974). In order from simple to complex are the learning tasks, stimulus recognition, response generation, procedure following, use of terminology, discriminations, concept formation, rule application, and problem solving (Lawson, 1974). The significance of the hierarchy is to identify prerequisites that should be completed to assist learning at each level and provide a basis for the sequence of instruction.
After Gagne had identified the mental conditions for learning, he created a nine-step process called the events of instruction. This process includes the sequence of the instructional events and the corresponding learning processes that guide the instruction. The sequence for the instructional events is gain attention, inform learners of objectives, stimulate recall of prior learning, present the content, provide learning guidance, elicit performance, provide feedback, assess performance, and enhance retention and transfer (Reyes, 1990). By following these events the necessary conditions of learning should be satisfied. These events should also be the basis for designing instruction and selecting the appropriate media for learning.
The nine-step instructional events could be used in the teaching of classifying polynomials. By using each step students could gain an understanding of what polynomials are, what their purpose is, and how they can be applied to problem situations.  The Conditions of Learning theory is quite relevant to instructional use. It allows the instructor to first understand how learning takes place and the different types that occur. Then, it assists in providing the type of instruction needed based on that information. The most important thing to remember about the conditions of learning is that different instruction is required for different learning outcomes.


Bell, Frederick H. 1978. Teaching and Learning Mathematics (in Secondary Schools). Dubuque, Iowa: Wm. C. Brown.

By : Budi Santoso (083174016)

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